Are you battling stress or going through a difficult season of life?

Are your days filled with schedules to follow, deadlines to meet, or an unending barrage of tasks?

If so, you, probably, need to de-stress.

But, before you can de-stress, think about the words and statements you’re using, throughout your day.   What do you say to motivate and encourage yourself to do your best and live as your highest self?

Are your thoughts and words overly critical of yourself or cynical?

Well, rest, relief, and relaxation can be found by incorporating positive affirmations into a simple meditation.  Believe it or not, it is possible to de-stress in 3-minutes or less!

But, first…

We use thoughts and ideas to control our bodies.  So, if our thoughts and ideas are constantly negative, then we will experience stress, fatigue, and depression.

However, if we incorporate positive affirmations into daily practices, then we will take control of stress and train our brain to think more healthy thoughts.

What Are Positive Affirmations?

Positive affirmations are present-tense, constructive statements that you say about yourself, to yourself.

With confidence and fervor, positive affirmations confirm the thoughts and ideas that you visualize in your mind; the way to feel and react in certain situations. These statements reflect your ideal self, your ideal family, and your ideal life.

Positive affirmations can increase your belief and confidence in your ability to handle life.  When repeated with authority, they can reduce your stress level, kill ungratefulness, increase focus and creativity, and bring about a calmer attitude and better health.

How Do Positive Affirmations Work?

As unbelievable as it may sound, repeating affirmations can change your life.

Just imagine being your own cheerleader or your most-supportive friend.

Imagine life going more smoothly and being less stressful.

When you incorporate positive affirmations into your thought-life, positive feelings increase, and healthier behaviors develop.

Now, think about when you’re taxed from a hard day’s work; feeling grumpy and exhausted.

If you don’t incorporate positive affirmations into your thought life, then negativity increases, and things seem to get worse.  You’re also more likely to engage in behaviors that are self-destructive.

Chronic stress and negativity can, then, cause physical symptoms and health issues.

How Can You Make Positive Affirmations Work for You?

There are things that can enhance the power of positive affirmations in reducing stress.  You can increase your ability to cope with difficult situations and circumstances.

Follow these simple guidelines:

  • Choose a positive affirmation that represents the thoughts, feelings, and ideal situation you want.
  • Breathe deeply before reciting your affirmation.
  • Repeat the positive affirmation to yourself when you think negatively or are faced with adverse situations. Avoid distractions and focus your mind on the words that you’re repeating.

Using Positive Affirmations to De-Stress in 3 Minutes or Less

Along with other positive affirmations that generally increase the positivity in your life, below are some simple, yet, amazing affirmations that are specifically worded for you to quickly release stress when you’re overwhelmed.

  • I am happy, calm, and free from worry.
  • My body and mind feel calm and peaceful.
  • Good things continually happen to me.
  • I am a positive person who attracts positive things into my life.
  • I am a good person who deserves happiness, health, and peace.
  • I choose to release feelings of stress and embrace joyful thoughts.
  • I see challenges as life lessons for me to learn more and be a better person.
  • Feeling relaxed is my normal state.
  • I feel calm and relaxed because it’s good for my health.
  • I am in control of my thoughts and choose to think thoughts of peace.

Now that you have the positive affirmations to choose from, here’s what to do:

  1. Take 3 heart-focused, deep breathes. Breathe in through your nose for 2 seconds and breathe out through your mouth for 3 seconds.  Imagine your breath going back-and-forth through your heart.
  2. Visualize yourself reducing stress from your mind by thinking thoughts of love, joy, and peace. Imagine tension and anxiety being removed from your body.
  3. Choose one or more positive affirmations to recite to yourself. Repeat for 3 minutes or until you feel relaxed.
  4. When you come to the end of 3 minutes (or your relaxation session), say, Thank You!

When you repeat these affirmations to yourself, you will be able to find peace, relax more swiftly, and increase your vitality.

Happy de-stressing!

Works Cited

  1. J. David Creswell, J. M. (2013, May 1). Self-Affirmation Improves Problem-Solving under Stress. Retrieved from PLOS One.
  2. Ronald Alexander, P. (2011, Aug. 5). 5 Steps to Make Affirmations Work for You. Retrieved from Psychology Today.
  3. Kristi Patrice, C. (2014, April. 10). Power of Positive Thinking & Affirmations for Controlling Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Fibromyalgia. Retrieved from Psychology Today.


Christina M. Johnson is an author, certified trainer, transformation consultant, and co-creator of  She’s a happy wife to an adoring husband of 12 years and a home schooling mother to eight spirited children.  She is on a mission to teach individuals how to CLIMB (Conquer-Love-Innovate-Multiply-Believe) by igniting a revolution that enables masses of people to realize their divine right to be Spirit-filled, mentally and physically healthy, unapologetically wealthy, and prosperous in every aspect of their lives.  Follow her on Twitter @ANOINTED_RIVER and sign-up at to receive FREE gifts to assist you on your journey to becoming a conscious and deliberate creator of your ideal life!

4 thoughts on “De-Stress in 3-Minutes Or Less Using Positive Affirmations

  1. Entering your session with an attitude of expectation in reference to de-stressing & exiting your session with an attitude of gratitude is the best way to see immediate results! 3-minutes is very doable. Great article.
    This is my first time hearing about UttaraToday, but I enjoyed this article. I’d like to see more of these articles; affirmations, visualizations, meditation!

  2. Peace and blessings Christina. Thanks for the affirming words for creating a mindset that will allow our behaviors and overall quality of life to be positive. I agree we should start and maintain a positive mindset daily, which provides positive energy throughout the day. Our thoughts positive or negative can impact our day, aspirations, decision making, and physical health. Love the reiteration of positive energy.

    Dr. Griffin

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